The Armies of God

A cruel and evil wind is sweeping across this world. This evil wind is in the process of attempting to destroy all of humanity. Hordes of demon-inspired influencers have attacked this nation, and soon, God will unleash his hundreds of millions of spiritual warriors to clean up this mess; when God’s armies are given the clearance to do their real work, it will not be pleasant, for we will feel the correction in our own bodies.

For the present time, God has held at bay his armies, whose purpose is to protect humanity from the vastly superior armies of Satan, whose only wish is to destroy all humankind.

If God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, why has he allowed this unwinnable battle to continue? This battle is a battle that only he, God, can win.

God, being a God of Love and peace, has allowed this spiritual battle to continue; for what reason, we must begin to ask. It seems strange that our Christian religionists do not understand that phrase, for there are so many differing sects, denominations, and belief systems that put that statement to shame. Most seem to place the character of God as a sideline that is not of great importance. When did God’s character and his mandate for our living by his standards become negotiable? Living by any one of his characteristics, there is no penalty, and cannot be the cause of failure.

Which one of God’s characteristics has caused harm to any individual? Is it possible for humanity to live up to any of these identifiers of our Creator? Our world today does not attempt to incorporate his character into our national actions. We revile while cursing his nature, claiming that he cannot save humanity without them.

Religions have, in their confusion, refused to accept the power of their Creator and, in the process, have substituted their personal version. In their eyes, this great being is merciless and will get even with a non-compliant individual for all eternity.

God’s power is complete in himself, not in surrogates, for with God, “all things are possible.”

Is God in control of Lucifer, identified as Satan?

Why would God allow Satan into the Garden to corrupt our first parents? Is it for our eternal good or eternal cursing? With God’s character, the only answer is for our eternal spiritual good, not our physical lives. Faith and humility toward our Creator must begin with an understanding that we are nothing but dust to be blown away by a strong evil wind.

A humble person would not rise up and pound themselves on the chest, claiming their relationship with God has allowed them to condemn the world. For didn’t “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son” as a sacrifice and a deliverer of humanity

Why would God allow his son to be put through the torturous death he was subjected to if it was for only a few who believed some religious preacher, of which there are many to choose from?

When Elijah told his servants to open their eyes, they saw the great mass of spiritual warriors: God will fight our spiritual battles, for great is our God’s armies sent to protect us from our enemies. This enemy has corrupted the nature of humanity from the time of our first parents and continues unabated to this day. We cannot escape this evil that consumes our lives.

Our politicians and religions have rejected our Creator for the way of our nature is more enticing. We love war, and all that is relevant in this massive display of hating our brothers and God’s children.

With the hundreds of millions of God’s fighting angles, are they powerful enough to defeat the armies of evil? Rev 12:9. Because the whole world has been deceived, includes all who have lived and drawn breath in this life.

Religion says this world cannot be saved, Satan’s goal, for the armies of God will not protect those who do not fall at their feet in a show of humble admiration for their false god, called Satan.

The pastor of New Spring Church recently attempted to explain the armies of God and their power. This great army would defeat the armies of the evil one, whose goal is to destroy all humanity and to wipe away those that God is preparing to be his sons and daughters while being above Satan and his hordes.

Satan and his power, unchecked, would destroy the world and the existence of all humanity. God has protected humanity with his armies from Satan’s hatred and, in the process, has given him enough room for humankind to get an education.

In his arrogance and self-righteous nature, this pastor gave an altar call. Come to the great God of the universe because of my leadership and forty years of teaching, he pleaded. Because the so-called Christian religious system, in their self-righteous and self-important opinions about their mission, have refused to realize that their message is not God’s message for the world.

The Christian message to the world should be a message of hope for humanity; instead, their message of hope requires action from you, the sinner, for if you do not bow before this pastor or repeat his so-called saving words, then God will refuse to save you. God’s armies are powerless to save you unless you bow down before this false teacher, is their claim.

Their message should be the cause for humanity to be sinful. That began in the Garden when Satan was allowed to inflict his self-righteous nature on our first parents. We CANNOT repent or change our nature, for hasn’t God mandated that we live with this corrupted nature for our physical lifetime? At the resurrection, God will remove Lucifer’s/Satan’s nature, healing our nature, and by his stripes he will heal our war-torn bodies with his nature of Love, joy, peace, etc.

This life is for a very special purpose. It is revealing to us that Lucifer’s and now Satan’s nature cannot and will not cause peace. God’s armies are protecting humanity so that Satan cannot permanently destroy God’s children. Satan tried to kill God’s human son Jesus, protecting him with the great army of God.

Insert: Satan’s armies are formidable, for we humans have no power to defeat him. Christ alone has defeated this powerful being when he was taken upon the mountain and stood toe to toe with this arrogant being and defeated him. Our first parents could not defeat this being, but our creator did.

God alone has the power to heal a sick world. He hasn’t given that power to any, let me repeat, any religious pastor. No denomination has that power; no minister of an unaffiliated church has that power. The great universal church, the great deceiver of humanity, does not have that power.

Only our Creator can and will save us, but first, God, by our living with this chaos, is imprinting upon our minds what peace is reliant upon.

God is in the process of creating humanity to have a mental process like his. He is perfecting our minds so that in his spiritual world, we will respond with personal responsibility, i.e., perfection for peace, as is his purpose for all.

The good news is that God has placed his armies to oversee the fulfillment of God’s plan while protecting humanity from the powerful armies of the evil one, whose goal is to permanently destroy those who will become his boss, making him, again, a servant he was created to be.

Our deliverance is at hand.

Coming: The War on Humanity

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