Vengeance is Mine…

A great spiritual war has now been unleashed on this once-blessed Nation and the world. A nation dedicated to the “proposition that all men are being created in the image of our creator” has now become a nation that has become so corrupted in its spiritual condition that it cannot recover without a strong hand from the great God to show us the way.

The city of New York has played into the hands of the great spiritual leaders being led by their evil and despicable leader, Satan. This rush toward our demise is fast approaching, and the city of New York, now in the crosshairs of the Great God, will not escape. Their political leaders, such as the Governor, their Attorney General, and now the incompetent District Attorney, have placed their positions of authority in harm’s way. You cannot fight the great God, for he has the power and the will to protect the good people of this great land, those who you hold in derision in your hatred for them and the great God. A God you now have identified as your enemy.

The principles, precepts, and concepts that our Creator has laid down for peace and safety you have thrown out the window, and now you, just like the people who brought down the Twin Towers, rejoice from their despicable acts of evil, will soon feel the power of your enemy, the great God of the universe.

Without regard to the troubles in our world today, this Nation has taken a step from which it cannot return. A former President has now been convicted of 34 counts of criminal activity of which there is no standing law. A man who loves this country has been vilified by the satanic forces that stood waiting at the foot of the golden escalator. These forces will not win, for God will take his vengeance upon these God-forsaken charlatans.

We have now become a political system that has called upon the forces of evil in order to shred the Nation from its God-ordained protection.

Rest assured, Lucifer, also known as Satan, the God of this world, has infected humanity and has addled the minds of humankind with his spirit of arrogance and self-righteousness. Without any shred of humility toward our Creator God, we revile him and insist on doing it our way. We will soon find out that our way does not work, for the price of our self-induced chaos must be paid. Joy Behar, who claims she had an incontinence episode in her delight at what happened to Donald J. Trump, will soon feel a much more and much larger time of incontinence.

In Romans 12:19, NIV, “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”

This sitting president happens to be the “man of perdition,” a man who will come upon the scene in the last days and attempt to destroy all that which is holy, righteous, and good. An evil individual, spelled out in 2 Thessalonians 2, who religious frauds refuse to acknowledge. Our schools have been destroyed. Our youngsters do not know who they are. We do not know what makes a woman a woman. People who claim to be God’s servants are silent, for they have nothing to say.

Anarchy is running rampant, with gangs of lawless youngsters looting stores without consequence. Homelessness is growing daily by those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol who live on the streets looking for handouts. Our borders are wide open, allowing the enemies of this Nation to enter with the desire to destroy our young people with the poison of their choice. The streets of Philadelphia have an infestation of drug-addled men and women standing stooped over in the throes of some drug-induced mental confusion.

Rapists and child rapists are now being allowed into women’s prisons if they say they are transgender. A Godless nation we have become, and soon, the price for our throwing God out of our Nation will have to be paid, but first, God has mandated that we wallow in this confusion and pay the price for our rebellion. If we wish to live without God’s protection, then we are mandated to live with this chaos of our own choosing.

This Nation and its rebellion against God’s laws and principles is much the same as when Lucifer attempted to remove God from his throne and rule the universe in his place. Satan once again is in the process of destroying this, the last remaining inheritor of the birthright promises, and Satan, along with the godless liberal elite, wants this Nation dead as well. Their lust for power has no earthly equals, for at this time in history, we are facing our demise by suicide. The only thing that will save us is our Creator’s intervention.

This Nation and the world are learning the lessons of spiteful hatred. The people of Gaza sit in their rubble-filled streets, drinking water, who knows what is in it, and eating contaminated food. They have sacrificed their existence on the altar of hatred in order to gain, what, a better life without the one who they hate?

King David said in the Psalms, “Teach me, oh Lord,” and that is what God is doing. He is teaching this Nation and the world that hate has consequences—nations crumbling because of hatred. Unbridled hatred has consequences, for nations cannot stand if they divide themselves with the despicable self-righteousness of hate.

Lucifer hated his Creator. Have a look at what the consequences for him became. He was thrown out of his home and mandated to live on this earth, all because of hate.  

The leaders of this world, foremost the President of the United States, have a deep hatred for this Nation. He has willingly sacrificed the next generation on his altar of treason, a traitor who hates all that he disagrees with. Willingly, he gives this Nation away in his foolish attempt to destroy what God has built.

Daily, we see hateful rhetoric being displayed for all to see. How much longer will God allow this to continue? When will we begin to suffer the consequences that Gaza is living? Hatred will not go unpunished.

Before we turned so deeply inward and began to hate our neighbors, we intervened in the wars of humanity for the First World War, the fascist we routed. In the Second World War, the axis of evil was destroyed by the US and its allies. We lost the blessings of our military in Vietnam, for that was a boondoggle of failure. We left with our tails between our legs, much like Afghanistan. Now, Ukraine has been going for a year and a half, while Iran has now attacked Israel. The people of Gaza invited this evil into their midst, and the world now cries out for these people. They have lived by hating this tiny enemy, and when they prefer to live in rubble and forfeit their children to this cause of hate, they are suffering the consequences of their hate-filled attitude.

When hatred is allowed to rule your better judgment, it proves you have no wisdom. The political parties in this Nation have signed a treaty with the devil, Rev 12:9, for this liar now resides in the temple of God, the White House. This house is the most prominent structure in the world because it was built with the blessing of our Creator to be a monument to his power.

This temple, the Capital Building, which has been a shining monument to the world, has now been corrupted. The question becomes: when God begins correcting this Nation, will he allow this monument, a beacon to the world, to remain standing? History states that evil temples in the past have been destroyed.

We have removed our Creator from our schools and our political offices. We have vilified his name in our churches, teaching that this loving God will brutalize you for all eternity if you do not bow down before the long-haired representation hanging behind the pulpits of our churches. We bow before the statue of a spear-pierced idol.

The beast’s power, China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, are rattling their swords, and soon this world will erupt into a conflagration of fire and brimstone called World War Three. In the days of Noah, only eight people survived. In this time of retribution, which we have brought upon ourselves, as in Noah’s time, how many will remain is questionable.

Rest assured, the City of New York, this ungrateful caldron of demons-inspired hate-filled leftists, will not escape.

Consequently, we have become a nation without purpose or direction. Because our religious experts are silent, there have arisen many offshoots of our so-called Christian religious system.

Arrogant, long-term pastors who have lived their lifetime teaching their congregants about a Jesus who doesn’t exist, telling their followers to believe their words about this Jesus or else he will brutalize them for all eternity.

How little do they realize that when God cleans the house, they will be part of that, scrubbing away the filth of failed religious teachings?

Do they not know that their hate-filled sermons of God’s eternal payback will be upon their shoulders?

1 Peter 4:17, NIV, “For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?