Why Do We Love to Hate

Recently, a well-known basketball player uttered a statement heard around the world: She said, “I love to hate more than love.” However, her statement opened the door to our understanding of the hate-filled attitude imposed upon the world by Satan through our first parents.

Hatred became apparent when Lucifer began to hate his creator for his perceived rejection of his birthright, inheriting this world as his, not for a new creation that God had planned.

The hate-filled attitude of the human race was launched when Lucifer was allowed into the garden and permitted to infect our first parents. They were lied to, and because of Lucifer’s hatred toward his creator, they were infected with his attitude. Satan, now established as the god of this world, has, through our first parents, injected his cancerous attitude of hate into the human race.

Hagar and Ishmael and their descendants learned to hate Abraham’s sons and daughters through Sara because of the perceived unfair rejection of Hagar’s firstborn’s right to the birthright covenant blessings.

Ishmael and his descendants hate modern-day Israel, for Israel received the birthright and they were left out in the cold. They didn’t get the choice portion of the earth that would assure them of continued prosperity or make them the “future blessings for the world,” they were not granted what they perceived as theirs: Abraham’s birthright promises.

Wars throughout history have taught us that hatred toward our fellow man can only result in violence, a furious and aggressive attack on one’s opponent, much like this hate-filled basketball player’s attack on her adversary. Granted, in the totality of human history, this was not a big deal, but as a point of reference, it is a big deal, and even in the smallest of things, this hateful attitude is alive and well. A we want revenge attitude can only come from hateful animosity.

From the beginning, animosity has grown into chaos, for this life we live is rampant with cruel acts of violence and hatred, just as in our so-called Christian nation today.

From Lucifer’s hatred toward his creator to the hatred that this nation has levied upon a candidate for the Presidency. A City of immense prosperity has turned upon their native son, a man who has been extremely successful in lifting up this ungrateful city for the world to emulate.

Why do they hate this man, a successful president who placed a stagnant nation back on its feet? They hated him because they didn’t get what they considered as belonging to them. Their perceived reward was the opponent of this person. Hatred filled the hearts and minds of these ungrateful people, and they set about destroying this person.

They have charged him with all sorts of crimes and criminal activity, not based on law but on hatred. Corrupt politicians vilify one another if they do not get what they perceive as theirs.

The talk show, “The View,” whose host experienced incontinence at her glee of his being found guilty of thirty-four counts of some frivolous acts that are not crimes, these talk show hosts were gleeful in using his name and labeling him a felon.

The tiny nation of Juda was placed by God to live in this caldron of hatred. From that time, they have been under attack, acts of terrorism, missile attacks, and bus and wedding bombings, all because of hatred for this little pipsqueak of a nation, a nation that God has strengthened. They, the descendants of Ishmael, weren’t given this land, for we all know the jingle “from the river to the sea.” These people spout their hate-filled rhetoric about unwelcome people into what they claim rightfully belongs to them.

Hate has consequences, from fines, as this basketball player received, to the vanquishing of armies, i.e., Hitler and the Emperor of Japan in the Second World War.

This great God, the Sovereign King of the universe, the King of all creation, the judge of truth and consequence, has allowed this world to sink into this disgraceful display of hatred and jealousy of not getting what they perceive and believe to be rightfully theirs.

The first murder was committed in a jealous rage by Cain. Rather than change, he flew into a fit of jealous fury for not getting what he assumed belonged to him: God’s blessing for his sacrifice.

Because hate was born in God’s kingdom by Lucifer’s jealousy-fueled rebellion, why then has God allowed Satan to infect his children with the propensity for a wave of jealousy-inspired anger?

Christianity teaches that in order to be saved, you must say a short prayer of repentance before God is able to redeem you from the pits of eternal torture. They say that salvation is in your hands and not the King who created you.

They have taken upon themselves the responsibility for your salvation when, in fact, that belongs to our creator, for didn’t he pay the price for humankind’s sins? Is his saving power just for the fortunate few, or is it powerful enough for this hate and sin-filled world? I do not know of any so-called Christian minister who has paid the price that qualifies them to offer you salvation from your sins.

We can repent of some of our actions, but WE CANNOT REPENT OF OUR SATAN INFECTED NATURE. Our prayers for that outcome are useless, for God has a plan that cannot and will not be changed because of some so-called Christian preachers’ pronouncements. These charlatans have placed their beliefs above their creator while standing in the place of their God, Lucifer. They prefer the title of reverend when, in fact, that in itself is disrespectful.

Psalms 111:9, AKJV, “holy and reverend is his name,” not the reverend Al Sharpton and all others who disrespect their creator’s title.

Throughout the last two thousand years, our so-called Christ followers have taken a message of hate to the world. They claim God loves the world, for doesn’t John 3:16 say so? But they add their hateful pronouncements that he might love you if you say the magic words, but if you don’t, you will suffer the consequences for your lack of knowledge about this great God.

Can you trust their brutal God in the future? Being born into this vengeful God’s world knowing that he is just waiting to find fault in you so that he can then show you who’s boss. With their God, your future is not secure.

These falsely called reverends, AKA mutineers, are not God’s ministers. Love has its rewards, and it is not in chaos or a torturous future; IT IS IN GOD’S TEACHING HUMANITY WHAT IS REQUIRED FOR HIS WORLD.

The entire existence of human life on this planet is so that God can reveal what will not be allowed back into his world. His world will be a world of peace and accomplishment, surrounded by his love and an atmosphere of harmony and contentment.

No more Lucifers and his petty attitude of, “I was screwed out of my rightful inheritance.”

Lucifer, AKA Satan, “has deceived the whole world,” Revelation 12:9, teaching for doctrines the dogmas or lies of deceitful men.

The purpose for our human existence is to be taught about, or per-fected, to become like God, a God who cannot sin. We will not sin in his world because we will choose not to go down that road of rebellion, for part of our being per-fected is for humankind to understand the consequences that will ensue.

Today, this world is full of consequences if we only could open our eyes to this truth.

Alas, our human teachers refuse to see the errors of their ways.

So, we will continue to live with Satan’s hate-filled nature until God says: It is Enough, bring them home.

PS: I have never seen written or expounded upon that Billy, Franklin, or any minister died to save the world from our sins. Humility is not in their nature.