Blacks Hating Blacks

Is it possible for so-called Black Christian ministers to hate their followers so much? Is it possible to understand why they revile and ridicule their followers, telling them that they are useless and have no worth, all because of others? Why, when I go into a restaurant, most all of the lower positions are filled by people of color: busboys, janitors, those who clean restrooms, etc.

These people have been kept down, not by the white race, for this nation has made great strides in removing racism from this nation; it is because of these so-called Christian ministers, i.e., Al Sharpton, etc.

The good book is filled with God’s love for his people and wants the best for them, but these so-called Christians tell them that it isn’t possible because others are willing to destroy them. Over the years, the rise of many successful black people has proven these charlatans dead wrong, for isn’t it God’s will for all to be successful?

There are many successful black leaders, such as President Barack Obama and Dr. Ben Carson; many major cities have black mayors and Black Police chiefs all across this nation. The blacks bring a special talent and ability that doesn’t hinder a nation, but if given the right kind of motivation, they excel.

When people like Al Sharpton ingratiate themselves at funerals and other racial conferences, he takes self-righteous pride in what he has accomplished.

As a Christian leader, which he is not, his motivation should be to uplift and encourage, for shouldn’t he know that the good book plainly states that “blessed are the peacemakers” should be his desire? Instead, this false prophet has told all who would listen that they have no responsibility for their actions. Those blacks killed in criminal activity were racially profiled, or so he claims, without evidence. He has instilled in his followers that the police are their enemies when they are not.

He has carved out a place where he can preach his hate for his people while his god approves. He has made himself rich and has garnered lawyers, clergy, and godless men and women attempting to make themselves well-known as vultures for the downtrodden. Black mothers taught to hate the authorities claim that their son or daughter cannot be guilty of anything, for didn’t they raise them up to be good, upstanding Christian people when investigations prove the opposite?

This arrogant little false prophet teaches that in order for blacks to be secure from oppression, they need a national equalizer called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and for all blacks to become the enemy of their oppressors. This little man has created havoc in the minds of people who have the talent and ability to succeed. He says they don’t, for others are holding them back.

Al Sharpton has purposefully created chaos in the black communities, for aren’t the black gangs in large cities angry at God and life, feeling that they are owed what they haven’t earned?

Many people follow this fraud and march to his arrogant drumbeat while he, at their expense, gains wealth, power, and prestige.

He will last until the great God of the universe puts a stop to this little man who has brought untold harm to those who have been influenced by his words.

And so, eventually God will react to his self-righteous arrogance.