When Hate Rules

Hate is now the world’s most disgusting spiritual condition. Hate starts wars. Hate causes divorce. Hate causes politicians and religious leaders to lie. If we are to beloving then we cannot be hate filled. We cannot get away from it. The lies spewed by our leaders are an immoral atrocity. And so, we revel, unchecked, by this malicious trend. We know, or at least we should know and understand, that Lucifer/Satan is a liar and the father of the lie, and from those lies come animosity.

Is there a deterrent to this dreadful trend? Most so-called Christians vociferously say that Jesus is the answer. That answer is weak on the surface while excusing our personal spiritual condition. Religion says that you can spew invectives to your heart’s content as long as you say the magic words of repentance afterward. Have we become so addle-minded that our evil mouths and actions can be washed away with just a few words, with fingers crossed behind our backs?

Hatred comes from the heart of humankind, for it is a dreadful symptom of our corrupt nature. A character flaw inflicted upon humankind when God allowed Satan into the garden.

Why, then, are we as we are?

One of the most powerful characteristics is the power of religious beliefs. Shouldn’t they be the ones we can turn to and be placed on the right track? Because there are no righteous spiritual leaders, we are left to our own devices and failed interpretations of the good book. At this point in the history of humankind, we are now facing our demise, a time appointed unto man to go through a time and a period of great trouble.

We journey through this life, blinded by our corrupt nature, to the understanding that this life has a very important spiritual purpose. Our religions have taught us that God loves us if we accept and believe. They teach us that if we accept and believe we will be in God’s care, all others will be brutalized for all eternity. They self-righteously claim that if you do not accept the principle that you are in charge of your own salvation, then your salvation is unavailable to you.

If that is true, then Christ’s sacrifice for humankind is unavailable for the vast majority, for we are responsible for our fateful decisions, even though billions have had no chance to know this great being who sacrificed his life for you and me.

If a brutal hell is true, and God created that awful place, wouldn’t that make him a hate-filled and malicious being who has no love for those who do not know him? Where do we get these spiritual beliefs that make us impervious to common sense – we get them from the pulpits of our religions. The great whore in Revelation has been instrumental in the teachings of these lies.

Today, there are no spiritual leaders who can or will hold the nation’s attention. The last one was a man who had the ear of the leaders of this nation while being a counselor to presidents.

This man set at the feet of the modern-day version of ancient Nimrod’s church and continued his travels throughout the world, spewing his version of believe or else. His claim to fame was that a loving God will torture you forever if you do not listen to him.”

He was a great speaker, a man who had the ability to hold an audience in the palm of his hands with his powerful abilities. This great orator took his message to the world, teaching that if you did not surrender to his powerful voice, then your destiny would not be favorable but desperate.

This individual had the ability but not the desire to “show this nation our sins.” His failure in his calling was like a finger to the eye of his Creator.

Recently, this man was honored with a seven-foot-tall statue placed in the National Statuary Hall in Washington as a tribute to his service to this nation. This man failed in his God-appointed mission to cry aloud and spare not and show my people their sinful nature and their spiritual shortcomings: He failed in his only appointed mission, and now we honor him in spite of his flagrant and massive failures to his Creator.

He was the last great orator who could do the job. He went to his grave a failure while the world remembers him with an iconic remembrance.

Our nation is filled with despicable leaders, both political and spiritual. From the president on down, there is no respect for our Creator. We speak of him without reverence.

We have entered this period of great tribulation that Christianity preaches so proudly about, claiming that if you get saved and say the appropriate words, then God will remove you from the troubles to come.

Religions God has lied to them, and now they lie to us. We know all his names, but we do not know his purpose. Because his purpose is unknown to these frauds, they preach the lie that only they can lead you to Jesus. They have placed your salvation on your shoulders when Christ took that burden upon himself. His sacrifice was for humanity, not for just a mythical fortunate few.

Our days are short, for rebellion has gripped this world with unquenchable hatred, and now we must pay the price.

God will save us, but first, it is the woodshed where Johnny first saw the light.

2 Thessalonians 2:3:Don’t be fooled by what they say. For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness is revealed—the one who brings destruction.” (identified as our present-day president, Joe Biden)

There is no longer hope for we have reached all the parameters laid out in the good book.

We now await our fate, just as those in Noah’s time. Noah was ridiculed by the people whose lives were about to end, just as we today have kicked God from our midst and mock him in thought, actions and deed.

This time, not by a flood but by fire coming down from heaven, i.e., nuclear missiles and bombs.

How many will God save this time????

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