A Most Self-Righteous Nation

The United States has become the most self-righteous nation this world has ever produced. It has become a nation that revels in the differences of the sexes, our political ideologies, and our religious affiliations.

We have been lied to, threatened, and, in general, abused by the powerful in this the most powerful nation that has ever lived. Our national feelings of self-interest have overtaken our once reasonable country, for everyone perceives himself to be right in his own eyes. For now, our women have become powerful and largely have taken over the rule with their increased power.

The power of these elite women began in full swing with the women’s movement in the late fifties and sixties. The increase in their power resulted from the men in this society giving way to these women who refused to be the women of a cohesive people. Although this problem had its early roots in ancient history, it began to grow into full swing by the middle of the last century.

Women began to extract more and more power under the guise of ruling their bodies, becoming more and more powerful in accepting work outside the home and, in general, becoming more and more equivalent to men.

The natural order was broken, and now we have women who have the rule, and consequently, our children are our oppressors.

Isaiah 3:12 As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them.
O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err And destroy the way of your paths.”
 Ephesians 6:4 And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
 Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proper childrearing is now a forsaken duty to our youngsters.

Women in power have brought about the annihilation of millions of babies in the form of abortions. Our children run rampantly through the streets, causing mayhem. Arrogant, they demand freedom from rules and guidelines.

Weak male leaders succumbed to the strong women of the halls of Congress. Women, who have wrested power from their male counterparts, are in direct conflict with the good book.

Now, we have weak men who wish to be women, so they transition and claim to be women while our arrogant and dysfunctional male leaders agree. They can now intermingle in these arrogant and self-righteous females’ bathrooms, showing their private parts in a disgusting display of arrogant privilege.

It is now okay to have medical castration on the young and those ill-informed about the plight to be inflicted upon them if they make the wrong decision. Our schools have condoned this atrocious practice. Many men and women are turning to the homosexual lifestyle because of their confusion about their personal sexuality.

Romans 1:26-27 NLT: “That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. 27 And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved.”

In the process of all this confusion, of which God is not the author, there is silence from our moral leaders. The spiritual leaders of this nation have brainwashed their followers into believing the egregious lie that “God will torture you forever if you do not follow their teachings. They have refused to teach the necessity for moral activity.

They haven’t taught this nation what God has instructed. The command from God to them was to take the good news to the world; they, instead, have threatened the world with eternal merciless brutality. They do not know God or his purpose for humankind. They only know if you believe them and contribute to their building fund; they can then build palaces of deceit for themselves.

This world has no need for strong leadership from a loving and purposeful Creator. We have thrown him out of our nation, and at every opportunity, we have declared him persona non grata for our lives. We have a form of godliness, but we deny his power and purpose.

2 Timothy 3:5 NLT: “They will act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them Godly. Stay away from people like that!”

We have gladly discarded the righteous concepts, precepts, and principles for a peaceful existence. We are gods unto ourselves. Nothing will penetrate the minds of the most self-righteous and self-important people who have ever dwelt on the face of this earth, and our religions have taught us to be so. We refuse to see their lies. We refuse to see God’s character in the light of day, for to love one another, we refuse. We consider the lies we live with to be truth.

Proverbs 6:16-19:  NIV, “There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.” These are words of wisdom about this self-righteous nation.

We, as a leader nation and supposedly an example to the world, have become so arrogant and filled with our feeling of perfection that we do not understand that we have become the most sanctimonious and pretentious nation that has ever lived, and because of our feelings of superiority, the world is now set to destroy us.

 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If we humble ourselves, God will heal our land…” We won’t, and he won’t. If we want peace for our children, we must pray for that day, but first, we must begin to act by humbling ourselves, soberly yearning for that day. Our actions will prove one way or the other.

He Came to Set the Captives Free

Merriam-Webster (Captive) 1. “Held under the control of another but having the appearance of independence; – 2. owned or controlled by another concern and operated for its needs …” 3. being such involuntarily because of a situation that makes a free choice or departure difficult.”

All the world knows and understands what a captive is. The wars throughout the history of humanity have brought this dire circumstance into a desperate focus. Hitler’s concentration camps. The Hanoi Hilton in Vietnam during the brutal times of the sixties and seventies and the present-day hostages in Gaza. The captors aim to extract demands that will further their cause.

The capturers place little value on the lives of their captives. Their only value was to keep them jailed and out of the way of the captors’ goals.

Do any of our religions have the power to break the chain of our captivity? If we have the fortitude to look around at all religions, we can only conclude that they don’t, for where is their success? A fifty-word prayer of concession is not powerful enough to break the bonds of who we are.

Our world today is facing an unprecedented time in the chronicles of world history. This world is not just a physical world. It is a world with a massive spiritual purpose. It all began when Lucifer rebelled in his world and attempted to take the Great God captive and rule in his stead. Because he failed and, in the process, revealed his demented attempt in endeavoring to “do things his way.”

Luke 4:18: “He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind (spiritually blind) to set the oppressed (burdened) free.”

Isaiah 61:1 ESV “…he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound;”

The whole of humanity was taken captive when God allowed Satan into the Garden. He allowed this snake to lie to the woman and impress upon her that she would be like God and that if she ate this fruit, she would never die. She took that fruit back to Adam and convinced him to eat this tasty yield. He then took it from Eve, and together, they disobeyed the direct command of their creator and, in doing so, became captives of the perverted nature of Satan.

Humankind now had a very rough road ahead, for at the beginning, murder was introduced into the first family. Cain killed his brother Able in a fit of jealousy. From that day until now, this world has been under the sway of Satan’s nature, and there is nothing that we can do to change that fact.

The advantage we have as the end-time generation is that we can look back and see the results of the failure of our first parents. Millions have been killed, butchered, or incarcerated because of the failures of humanity to “just get along.” We cannot get along with one another because of Lucifer; his arrogant and self-righteous nature is now our nature, and it is rebellious. War and mayhem can likely break out if someone believes something and another disagrees.

We are captives of Lucifer’s nature, and there is nothing that humanity can do about it. It is a totally self-centered nature without any moral direction. We are held as captives by the “god of this world.” You cannot pray it away. You cannot wish it away. It is a part of who you are; only Christ and his sacrifice can and will remove this nature.

We can repent of some of our actions, but we cannot repent of our nature.

Why did God allow our first parents to be seduced by this rebellious angel? Because our creator is perfect, his decision must be for his creation’s betterment, including you and me. If you haven’t caught the point yet, our creator is finishing his creation by creating in you a mind that understands the requirements for a peaceful society.

Our physical creation is to prepare us to respond in a peaceful way. When conflict arises in his world, we will respond as we should because we fully know the consequences of that folly. For this very reason, our human life is a learning process to ensure the furtherance of God’s plans for his world.

We are in the process of being perfected.

Remember: He is the potter – we are the clay.

Because Christ, our elder brother, came to this world to redeem the world and to set us free from the bonds that have caused such heartache and trouble. He, being part of the Godhead, has mandated that we live with this nature for our natural lifetime and then we are to die.

Our second birth at the resurrection will remove that corruption inflicted upon humanity.

He came to this earth on a rescue mission. He lived for a few years and was tempted as our first parents were tempted. He overcame Satan when he was taken upon the mountain in a failed satanic attempt to force him to succumb as he forced our first parents to disobey.

He, and he alone, can remove our battered and Satan-influenced nature.

He came to set the captives free.

USA, A Nation Ruled By Satan

As most people understand, Lucifer, who became known as Satan, rebelled in his world against the great God of the universe. His rebellion was deep and hateful. Today, we are experiencing that same rebellion once again. This nation has succumbed to the rebellious attitude of Satan while ignoring the commands of our creator. Our leaders are responsible toward the great God, not their political party or church denomination. Today, we are approaching that time when God will remove these misfits from their halls of power. The Lucifer/Satan-induced war has already begun. Read below for the rest of the story.


A demonic power has been unleashed upon this nation. A powerful being who has reflected his animosity toward his creator is attempting to destroy this nation with his hatred. His hatred for his creator is now reflected in the final inheritors of Abraham’s covenant promises to Joseph.

The satanic influence has become untenable, for we cannot survive as we are. Hatred and unrelenting anger have brought us closer to the days of final judgment, known as the great Tribulation period. Satan is a liar and the father of the lie. Our nation today is filled with hatred and lies brought upon us by a political system that is hell-bent on destroying this nation. His lies are so egregious that there is no human who has the ability to put a dent in this terrible sickness.

A very direct and important commandment is the 9th, “Do not bear false witness.”

Christ told the religious leaders of that day, John 8:44,  “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

The lawless one who now sits in the seat of Joseph, the final inheritor of the birthright promises, has, by lies and deception, taken over this modern-day temple of the creator. The capital building has stood for many decades, built when this nation was flourishing, to be a monument to peace and prosperity for the world to see and to be blessed by.

Today, the enemies within have resorted to tearing down the symbols of this nation and the world, and its enemies are looking very hard at our final destruction.

There is only one individual whose desire is for this nation to return to the days when peace was desired and worked toward. Our spiritual leadership taught a peaceful message, but along the way, they jumped the track, and now their prince of peace will torture for all eternity those who do not follow their perverted doctrines, again; John 8:44 “You (Spiritual leaders) belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.” 

Politicians and Spiritual charlatans are in cahoots with the “god of this world,” lying about an all-powerful God, making themselves the only purveyors of his truth, when in fact, they daily proclaim just how impotent God is. He needs them to save the world. 2 Timothy 3:5 NIV (they)having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.”

Will we have an election in November? I do not believe that this nation can hold out until then. The forces of evil have combined their forces to destroy this human who has been so reviled and has not faltered in his love for “we the people.”

This individual cannot break the lock of this despicable cadre of political and spiritual blasphemers by himself. We are now very close to this time of great trouble, and God will soon unleash his army of angels in full battle dress to rescue us, a desperate people.

A great upheaval is about to descend upon this nation, and the internal enemies of ”we the people” must be destroyed. Their hatred will be thrown into the pit of deceit, while the religions of confusion will be vanquished.

Joe Biden has now proven beyond all doubt that he is a tool of Satan, undoubtedly possessed by this monster whose desire is for hate-filled destruction of this nation. This man of lawlessness is called the “son of perdition,” the “lawless one” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3: “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.” Joe Biden is that man!

Our nation is in a state of rebellion today, and the great falling away has already occurred. This man of perdition is the one who spearheads this ungodly rebellion, and his end will be as the false prophet and his cadre of lying angels.

The righteous hand of God can be very merciful, but it can also be unrelenting when a great correction is necessary.

You don’t have enough money or gold in your bank vault to save you. Your beautiful new F-150 will not carry you away to safety.

Only God can save us now; he is going to, but first, we need a spiritual correction that only a loving God can perform.

Bend over and drop your britches, for our time has come.

God’s Judgment of Humanity

Hebrews 9:27 NET “And just as people are appointed to die once, and then to face judgment,”

1 John 2:2 NIV: “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.”

What judgment will we be subjected to when we stand before our creator? Will it be guilty or not guilty?


Over the course of my life, I have been in major conflict with religious dogma about this life and our purpose. We are on this beautiful orb for a short time, and then we will die to “await the resurrection.”  

In this article, I have laid out the reasons for God’s judgment of humanity, and it is a very positive outcome. His final judgment for you and the world is, NOT GUILTY. God has allowed everything that has happened in this physical world. He set up the scenarios by which these troubles would exist. He also gave us a way out, 2 Chronicles 7:14.

Our purpose is for one thing and one thing only. Our creator’s rationale is to teach his children the consequences of irrational thoughts and actions. We are being allowed to see firsthand the troubles Lucifer, in his rebellion, caused his world; God will not allow that rebellion back into his world. Our perfection to become like God in mind and deed is why we are living with Satan’s nature.

We are being perfected in our minds to be like God in our thinking and actions. Peaceful co-existence is his purpose for our spiritual home. No more Lucifer’s rebellion. He allowed Satan to corrupt humanity in the garden, and from that corruption of Lucifer’s/Satan’s nature, we are to learn by living with that nature.

This article goes into further detail, so if you are interested, read on.


The evil in this world has reached the point of “as in the days of Noah” when God washed away that arrogant and spiteful people. We are now living in such a time for we, just as the people before the flood, had a chance to change their ways but refused until the door was shut and the rain came down. Their fate was sealed. The fate of this world today is in the final stages of the door permanently being closed. We will face our fate. Our hands will then be in the hands of our creator. This world’s only hope is in the judgment we are destined to face: Guilty or Not Guilty. What will be God’s final judgment for you, me, and the world?

Have you been perfect and without sin? Most would truthfully answer no; I haven’t been perfect, for I have transgressed many times. What is my awaiting fate? I have tried to live a good life, but so many times, I have fallen off the wagon and lapsed once again. I want to do good, but I cannot, for it is not within my ability.

Are we here to qualify for salvation? If we are, why has God made it so difficult? I am a Christian, for I have said the prayer of repentance many times. Does that make me a Godly person? Have I been born again by saying that short prayer?

Many eons ago, God decided to bring a new creation into the family of our creator, brothers and sisters. He created the angels to accomplish this task and further his desires. They were put to work making the spiritual universe.

 Because of God’s plan, a physical universe was required. The parameters for our physical creation are that we were to have minds that could think, devise, form opinions, and act on those opinions; in other words, we were to have complete and full-blown traits and characteristics called free will or individual personal freedoms. Humanity is ruled by self-interest.

The plan, now well underway, was beginning, and the next step was building the physical universe. Once again, the angels, overseen by Lucifer, were tasked with building this vast and enormous undertaking. In physical terms, the time frame must have taken an enormous amount of time, but when it was complete, God Stated that it was very good. The universe was now good to go.

But Not yet:

When God told Lucifer and the angels his plan, that it was for his new sons and daughters, Lucifer was offended. (If someone is promoted over you, with you believing you were the most qualified, would you be offended?) He thought the physical universe was for him and the angels, for weren’t they the only sons of God to exist? A rumor-driven opinion was what he was responding to.

Because Lucifer forgot that he was a servant designed to carry out the wishes and desires of his boss, his creator, he allowed himself to become angry. Enlisting his many generals and officers in this great rebellion, he became the master of one-third of the angels, attempting to remove the creator from his throne and to rule the physical universe in his place.

Because of his pride and self-righteous feelings of revenge, he forgot that he was a created servant, and in the process, he lost his wisdom and humble attitude toward his boss.

Freedom of choice and free will were his downfall because he had no knowledge or understanding. He wasn’t prepared to understand the chaos that would be caused by his lack of respect for his boss.

After the brutal war caused by Lucifer and his arrogant attitude, God removed him from the spiritual world and placed him on this earth. God could have placed him in multiple billions of places, but he chose this special planet that Lucifer was specifically charged with building.

Lucifer’s boss-creator removed him from his place of power and placed him on the earth, changed his name to Satan, the deceiver, and created humanity to live on this earth with Satan, the devil. He became the “god of this world.”

From that time on, God was at work. He allowed Satan into the garden. Permitted him to beguile and to lie to Eve, causing her to go against God’s instructions, and from her actions, Satan’s attitude of rebellion was transferred to our first parents.

The world from that time forward until today has been chaotic. Wars, rebellions, hatred, lies, etc., have plagued this planet from the beginning. The first murder was because of jealousy when Cain killed his brother Able. Jealousy is also one of the traits that caused Lucifer to rebel.

From that time, we have been ruled by Satan’s rebellious attitude, AND GOD ALLOWED IT.

The Conclusion of the matter:

God designed this world to be physical “And just as people are appointed to die once, (after the resurrection) and then ‘we are to face judgment,'” Hebrews 9:27 NET

We are to live with this satanic corruption for all of our physical lives, and then we are to face God’s judgment upon humanity.

1 John 2:2 NIV: “He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.”

This whole process of our physical lives is so that we can see, understand, wallow in, and be immersed in Satan’s attitude for our understanding and the perfecting of our minds.

Lucifer did not know nor fully understand that peace, security, and safety come not from rebellion but from a humble and loyal attitude toward the commands, precepts, concepts, and principles that the boss of the universe has given to the world.

Christ allowed this world to become as it has become. He came to this earth and was tempted, even to the point of being taken upon the mountain, and to be tempted as Mother Eve was enticed, but he withstood that time of testing and lived a sinless life. He didn’t succumb to Satan’s lies as our first parents.

God is impressing on our minds what is required in our new home that we are to inherit. His perfection is the perfection of our minds to understand what Lucifer did not know fully.

Once we die, our sins will be removed, and our resurrection will be into his world, cleansed of our sinful nature.

God’s judgment for you, me, and the world is a resounding: NOT GUILTY, for God’s grace and mercy will follow us now and forever.


We are being educated (perfected) to rule in the spiritual universe with responsible actions and God’s parameters for our future world. God, the great God of the universe, had mandated that there would be no more rebellion in his world, so our tenure on this earth is to learn the necessity of being responsible in thoughts and actions toward our creator and our fellow inhabitants in our new world.


Our human actions are subject to man’s laws. Any infractions will be dealt with accordingly. God will forgive you, but you will still have to pay the physical price.

And so, we await a new nature for the old, which will have been removed.

The resurrection, we await.

God’s Final Timeline

Is the “Time of the end just ahead?”

A timeline can now be revealed. In approximately late December – early January 2020, this nation and the world were hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. That pandemic killed millions and changed the world into fragmented confusion. Who caused it? Why did they release it upon the world? Who financed it, etc. Our politicians tried to cover their asses when the news began to leak out that this deadly virus came from China and that they themselves had a part in financing this deadly sickness.

For three and one-half years, we lived with Covid 19. The world, troubled by the mandates, was forced to display the mark or the identifier of this great infectious beast and its origin, China. This infectious beast’s mark or identifier is “the Mask.” It became apparent that it was over around June of 2023. During this time, the political loathing in our nation began to grow into unwarranted hatred, the demons of confusion set in, and unwarranted blame took over.

An essential addition to this timeline is that in November 2020, Joe Biden was elected as the next president. This election has revealed that this president has become an individual who hates his predecessor with a passion. His tenure so far has been to divide this nation, while his actions have proven to be filled with his evil passion of hatred. The biblical meme that “a nation divided cannot stand” has no consequence for this person who is now revealed as the “son of perdition,” the lawless one. 2 Thessalonians 2:3. “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.”

His lawless actions are his flagrant breaking of the commands of the creator; Love, Joy, and peace do not dwell in this person. He holds the safety of the world in his hands, and because of his flagrant disregard and lack of concern for the people of this great nation, he will not succeed. The forces of evil have overtaken this individual, and his final disposal will be in God’s hands and place, for he will not prevail in his evil deeds. Blessed are the peace seekers, a biblical command he has no intention of respecting.

A time of trouble has descended upon this nation and is predicted to get even worse; a time of trouble is about to be unleashed upon this godless nation. We have played with fire while millions of our enemies have breached our borders unabated.

Donald Trump, the most hated presidential candidate by this nation’s political parties, has been vilified with a satanic hatred and a desire to damage him in any way possible. They do not want him re-elected; they want him destroyed and in jail. If not jail, they want him dead.

This year, 2024, promises to be a pivotal year. Enemies on our borders, enemies with swords withdrawn from their scabbards, and threats from the four enemies of humanity are ready to pounce. Iran and her proxies, China from which the virus came, Russia ruled by a thug and a killer, and North Korea ruled by a mortal man who considers himself a god to his people. The most dangerous is North Korea, for they have nuclear weapons, and this maniacal killer believes it is his responsibility to destroy this nation.

Because of the internal strife in this country, he will see his way clear to strike the first blow. A united beast power will be brought into this conflagration. We as a nation are breathing our last unless God steps in to bring it to a halt; his promise to us is – he will, but not before the enemies within are humbled and face down, drained of all power, and pitifully acknowledging their failures.

From this seven-year timeline, by 2027, this trouble will be over, and the world’s population will be greatly diminished. A strong leader will be needed to pick up the pieces, a person who understands and loves his creator and is dependent on the remaining population of this last nation of Abraham’s covenant promises to the world.

Who will that person be? Is he presently alive? My guess is he is alive and well at this time. The question that comes to mind is, “Is it Donald Trump?” Only time will tell. Is there another on the scene? I do not know because I haven’t seen any great spiritual leaders, for they have acted like cowards and relied on their own flawed understanding, so my answer is that it will not be a present-day religious leader. A strong and powerful new world leader is a must if we are to come through the upcoming troubles.

Our nation is broken because we have thrown this great God to the curb and have gone our own way. We will have learned that God is in charge; his immutable laws for peace, prosperity, and safety must be adhered to.

An eternity awaits a broken and humbled humanity.

From mud we came, and to dirt we will return, for our only hope is our creator. This is going to be the greatest ass-whooping this world has ever experienced, but from it will come a humbled and perfected humanity, robes whiter than snow to forever live in his peaceful world.

No person has seen nor understood the true greatness of our creator, for his love and mercy will follow us forevermore, for his love for his children will never fail.

He is the one who holds life and death in his hands, even though the days ahead will be difficult, take heart, for God is revealing to the world that to be peaceful, the laws and precepts God has given to us for our benefit must be adhered to, not just for our time on this earth but for all of forever in our creator’s world.

He is perfecting humanity to understand that going alone will place humankind without hope. We are learning the necessity of learning about true humility, which breeds true spiritual responsibility that will forever be viable.

Note: To understand the timeline of these end times, we must first understand the purpose of human existence on this earth. Our religions are supposed to be the purveyors of that knowledge, but they are not. God’s instruction to them is to “go into all the world and teach the good news and the hope for the world.” Instead, they have gone to the world threatening humanity with their version, and their vision is that they must threaten the nations with eternal torture if the nations do not comply.

They have placed themselves above the great God of the universe, and in the course of time, God will reveal them to be what they are: world deceivers. Rev 12:9 and Matt 15:9.

Again, 2024 will be a troubled year, and neither the day nor the hour will we know, for God will act in his own timeline, but sudden destruction is very likely.

Blessed are the Peacemakers

As the presidential elections get closer and the primaries are in full swing, the hatred and contempt are getting more and more dire. This vitriol doesn’t come from the “sermon on the mount” but from the hearts of the haters. As this disease of the heart descends into mental dysfunction, it cannot and will not stop unless a strong hand from God puts a stop to it.

China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea cannot afford to have Donald Trump as the upcoming president, so as an alternative, a Satanic-fueled hatred exists. Even today, I read that an Iranian assassin was on the loose targeting Trump Allies. How many of these illegals that Joe Biden let in are paid assassins to finally put a stop to the leader who they believe will stop their attempt to destroy this nation?

There is no peace in the land, for the forces of evil have been given free reign and will not stop until God destroys the haters in order to save this nation. This nation has benefitted the world, quelling troubling outbreaks, feeding starving populations, and educating while blessing the world with our abundance, including our powerful but peaceful military.

The power of repetition has fueled the God of this world’s religious leaders; Al Sharpton has fueled the constant bombardment of race, proclaiming that hatred for another race is God’s plan. Doesn’t Al Sharpton claim to be a Christian leader while spewing that his God is not a peacemaker?

The political leaders of this nation have been wallowing in their hatred for years, and now those hatreds are coming home to roost, to roost on the backs of these despicable so-called leaders. Simultaneously, our so-called Spiritual leadership is silent while refusing to spell out the way to peace. Just repent, they say, of what we ask, expecting nothing from these impotent and non-viable hypocritical leaders.

“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things and desperately wicked.    Who really knows how bad it is?” Jeremiah 17:9 NLT.

There is no peace because we have no true peace-seekers, for we haven’t the heart or mind to desire unconditional peace. This nation is irretrievably broken, for we only want peace our selfish way, and to hell with anyone who disagrees. Our beliefs are in our closed fists, and nothing will entice us to open our hard-clinched fists to see that our present path can only lead to our destruction.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9, NIV

With our closed minds and spirit, we must ask why. Why has God allowed this wonderful nation to be brought to this place of hatred and self-righteous profane utterances coming from the lips of the most fortunate people on the face of this planet?

We cannot be fixed, not because God won’t repair our nation. He would if we began to live by his principles. He won’t because we are more intelligent than he and have already thrown his principles and concepts into the garbage heap.

This life is not about this human existence. It is about learning the necessity of living by God’s concepts and principles in our future homes. You might say “balderdash,” that is your privilege. God’s prerogative is because we are his sons and daughters; he has mandated that we live this Lucifer and Satan-inspired life. When we fully understand what Lucifer did not know or understand, our minds will have become spiritually perfected. At our resurrection, we will go into our creator’s world, leaving behind all our troubles and our sinful existence. Because of our chaotic physical lives, we will become spiritually responsible and dependable to our creator and for our future inheritance.

A rich person teaches their offspring the necessity of being a well-educated future inheritor of great wealth. God, our wealthy father, is teaching his children what we must know for a peaceful and productive life in his world.

This life is for our learning, nothing more.

“By his merciless beating (stripes),1 Peter 2:24, we will be healed of this cancerous nature when we are resurrected from the grave. All our human sins will die with us never again to plague our existence, and our second birth will be a grand and glorious day for the world.

The angels will shout for joy at our conversion from physical to spiritual, from temporary to permanent, to forever more to live in the world of our creator.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” Matthew 5:9, NIV

As God’s children, we will be the peacemakers of the universe.

We live in the greatest nation of all times, and we worship and serve the most gracious and forgiving God who has planned a future for his children.

There is much to be thankful for, a future we cannot see nor understand at this present time but will be revealed upon our resurrection.

This life is in preparation for our permanent home, nothing more.

A grand and glorious day awaits!!

Franklin Graham

Sir, you have come from a dynasty of preachers, and in the process, you have forgotten the scriptures that caution and command humanity to grow in grace and knowledge – both of which your vast followers look to you for leadership. You rely on past teachings from your father and the so-called Christian seminaries to explain God and his purpose for all of humanity. It appears that you have no original thoughts as to why God would allow this earth to deteriorate into its present-day chaos.

You cannot see that this great nation is even now in the throes of the coming great tribulation, such has never come upon this world. Your warnings are non-existent. You have blinded your eyes to the scriptures that identify the man of perdition as the leader as the end-time draws to a close. See 2 Thessalonians 2:3. NKJV “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,”

Wouldn’t you say that our nation has fallen away from our creator? Wouldn’t you agree that the man of lawlessness or “the man of perdition” now resides in the white house?

You have become a useless and broken symbol to your millions of followers, for your music is much like a clanging and broken cowbell. God will soon force you to your knees for your lack of humility to this great being is being recorded in the “Book of life.”

You follow in your father’s footsteps, holding campaigns attempting to gain converts for the great God, AKA Jesus Christ. Instead, you hold crusades for the “god of this world.” Rev 12:9, Matt 15:9.

Your claim, when broken down into something meaningful, is to follow you and your beliefs, and if not, then this God of great Love and mercy will mercilessly and brutally torture humanity in this place called hell. You arrogantly and self-righteously teach that hell is a place of brutal punishment instead of the grave or the abode of the dead. Have you been lying to your followers? With the internet and thesauri, be careful that you are not flagrant in this the most destructive lie a so-called Christian leader can infect their followers with. You tell the world that if they say a few words of repentance, they have been born again – when, in fact, to be born again means to be born the second time in the resurrection.

Your teaching explains that “it is only through Jesus that humanity can be saved or forgiven,” which is true. Still, you fail to explain that our creator’s sacrifice for humanity’s salvation is because this great creator paid the price for humanity, not just the fortunate few who follow you and your version of the Christian belief.

You teach that we must come to your Jesus when Christ came to humankind and paid the price for our redemption. We are bought and paid for because Christ deemed it to be his great plan. If you and your arrogant and self-righteous professors would back up and take a second look, then if you are serious, all the troubles this world and its people have suffered, GOD HAS ALLOWED. From the original rebellion to the allowing of Satan into the Garden to his permitting our first parents to be tempted and then allowing them to be coerced into taking of the tree, God has allowed for by these trials he is teaching humanity, by our failures, the necessity of true spiritual responsibility.

There is a natural flow, and the final outcome will be that we have been mandated to live for our short lifetimes to learn the lesson that will ensure that spiritual responsibility will withstand a forever commitment.

Humanity is being prepared for the world to come. We are to inherit the eternal gift of eternal life in our creators’ world, for we are, even now, still in the process of being formed into the mental likeness of our creator—the perfecting of our minds to be like God’s mind.

Satan rebelled: God wants no more rebellion in his world, and just as Lucifer had no understanding, what sets us apart is we will go into our creator’s world with a full understanding of responsibility, where we will live and perform the required tasks our creator will give to us, perfectly and without a rebellious attitude, unlike yours and your judgment of the world.

Your failure rests in your egregious lack of humility toward your creator while being filled with self-righteousness and self-importance. Your lack of humility toward your creator was Lucifer’s cause of rebellion, and now his nature is your nature, exemplified by your lack of humility toward your creator.

Obviously, your belief is that the whole of humanity, from our birth, was destined to be brutalized for all eternity unless they ascribed to your beliefs. The Christian belief system is only about one-third of the present-day population, and because so many are not of your belief, this God you worship, whom you say is a loving and just God, will torture the unknowing and the untaught about a loving God. Although the place of birth, belief systems, cultures, and domiciles make no difference to this great God – although, if we don’t believe you, you say we have no right to live in his world.

You have lowered your creator to your own bastardization of his character and traits, as explained in Galatians 5:22-23, only to apply if you, Franklin Graham, are followed. Who promoted you to your God-like position? Was it self-promotion? You have been proven not to be a prophet nor a Godly fisher of men. You are not equal to the disciples nor the writers of the good book; your claim to fame is your failure to do the righteous work that you have been assigned. The pulpits of true followers are a sacred thing, and you and your failed beliefs have bastardized that sacred promise to teach the truth of our creator.

God is not happy with you, for your closed fist around your failed belief is an abject failure to God’s instructions to “grow in grace and knowledge.” The Christian religion has set itself above God, much as Lucifer did in his world, and just like Lucifer, you are attempting to stand in the place of your creator.

Someday soon, God will bring you to your knees and teach you that you are just a piece of mud and your attempt to stand in the place of God will not stand. Your preaching is useless, for if you refuse to relearn, God will remove you from your not-so lofty position.

You and all your partners in this great deception (Rev 12:9) take Heed.