USA, A Nation Ruled By Satan

As most people understand, Lucifer, who became known as Satan, rebelled in his world against the great God of the universe. His rebellion was deep and hateful. Today, we are experiencing that same rebellion once again. This nation has succumbed to the rebellious attitude of Satan while ignoring the commands of our creator. Our leaders are responsible toward the great God, not their political party or church denomination. Today, we are approaching that time when God will remove these misfits from their halls of power. The Lucifer/Satan-induced war has already begun. Read below for the rest of the story.


A demonic power has been unleashed upon this nation. A powerful being who has reflected his animosity toward his creator is attempting to destroy this nation with his hatred. His hatred for his creator is now reflected in the final inheritors of Abraham’s covenant promises to Joseph.

The satanic influence has become untenable, for we cannot survive as we are. Hatred and unrelenting anger have brought us closer to the days of final judgment, known as the great Tribulation period. Satan is a liar and the father of the lie. Our nation today is filled with hatred and lies brought upon us by a political system that is hell-bent on destroying this nation. His lies are so egregious that there is no human who has the ability to put a dent in this terrible sickness.

A very direct and important commandment is the 9th, “Do not bear false witness.”

Christ told the religious leaders of that day, John 8:44,  “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”

The lawless one who now sits in the seat of Joseph, the final inheritor of the birthright promises, has, by lies and deception, taken over this modern-day temple of the creator. The capital building has stood for many decades, built when this nation was flourishing, to be a monument to peace and prosperity for the world to see and to be blessed by.

Today, the enemies within have resorted to tearing down the symbols of this nation and the world, and its enemies are looking very hard at our final destruction.

There is only one individual whose desire is for this nation to return to the days when peace was desired and worked toward. Our spiritual leadership taught a peaceful message, but along the way, they jumped the track, and now their prince of peace will torture for all eternity those who do not follow their perverted doctrines, again; John 8:44 “You (Spiritual leaders) belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires.” 

Politicians and Spiritual charlatans are in cahoots with the “god of this world,” lying about an all-powerful God, making themselves the only purveyors of his truth, when in fact, they daily proclaim just how impotent God is. He needs them to save the world. 2 Timothy 3:5 NIV (they)having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.”

Will we have an election in November? I do not believe that this nation can hold out until then. The forces of evil have combined their forces to destroy this human who has been so reviled and has not faltered in his love for “we the people.”

This individual cannot break the lock of this despicable cadre of political and spiritual blasphemers by himself. We are now very close to this time of great trouble, and God will soon unleash his army of angels in full battle dress to rescue us, a desperate people.

A great upheaval is about to descend upon this nation, and the internal enemies of ”we the people” must be destroyed. Their hatred will be thrown into the pit of deceit, while the religions of confusion will be vanquished.

Joe Biden has now proven beyond all doubt that he is a tool of Satan, undoubtedly possessed by this monster whose desire is for hate-filled destruction of this nation. This man of lawlessness is called the “son of perdition,” the “lawless one” in 2 Thessalonians 2:3: “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.” Joe Biden is that man!

Our nation is in a state of rebellion today, and the great falling away has already occurred. This man of perdition is the one who spearheads this ungodly rebellion, and his end will be as the false prophet and his cadre of lying angels.

The righteous hand of God can be very merciful, but it can also be unrelenting when a great correction is necessary.

You don’t have enough money or gold in your bank vault to save you. Your beautiful new F-150 will not carry you away to safety.

Only God can save us now; he is going to, but first, we need a spiritual correction that only a loving God can perform.

Bend over and drop your britches, for our time has come.

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