God, Country and Family

Today, we are reaping the consequences of freedom without responsibility. We have thrown our creator from our midst and are destroying our nation with ungodly and uncalled-for hatred. In the process, we have placed in jeopardy the lives and futures of our youngsters; those who have no voice, the innocent among us. Why have we welcomed with open arms those who wish to destroy us? Those who wish to destroy this nation have gotten such a tight foothold that no man is capable of removing it.

Are there any patriots left? Are there any among us who love God and his principles for peace and safety? Are there any who adhere to the principles of true patriotism, God, Country, and Family? Are we willing to sacrifice our lives and our once bright future for the temporary gain of “my way or the highway?”

Many in this nation have placed their futures into the hands of our enemies, whose only desire is to destroy this once-great nation. What, possibly, could they hope to replace it with? For over two hundred and forty-five years, this God-given nation was brought into existence for many reasons, but the foremost reason was that the blessings God would bestow upon this great country would bless the world with our bounty. The formidable fighting forces that God has given us to protect the world from evil despots have no equals.

The leadership in this nation have forgotten their oath of office and has turned tail in their cowardly desire to throw the bums out. (Lucifer’s attitude toward God when he attempted to take over God’s throne, his place of governance of the universe. He failed as this “son of perdition” will eventually fail.)

The relics in the halls of Congress are no longer qualified to be in office, for they have turned against the people they were elected to serve; God is very aware of the dereliction of their God-ordained duties. The halls of Congress are now filled with traitorous cowards who smirk at God. Those who hold our beloved country’s future in their hands are more interested in their future elections are afraid to use their position of power. They reject the need to stand tall for their country, allowing themselves to be intimidated by the arrogant, self-righteous traitors who stand beside them.

We have become a nation without God, caring less about this most blessed nation in the world while subjecting our families to an uncertain and insecure future.

As this article is being written, Israel is making the decision of “how to retaliate for the attack on their homeland.” Iran has been a constant thorn in the side of this small nation, with repeated attempts to destroy her with the proxies who call her mother. The Persian Empire has a history of hatred. Because King  Saul did not destroy this evil empire when he had the chance, they have lived in this world filled with their hatred and passion for “getting even.”

The cowardly traitors, i.e., the “sons of perdition,” have now told our ancient family member, Judah, that we will not back them from the hatreds of the Evil Persian Empire. Evidently, they will be forced to go alone, for their big brother will not stand by their side.

There are now too many cards on the table for any peaceful conclusion to be possible. God’s principles for child rearing are to “spare not the needed correction.” We have become the arrogant fool that God warns humanity about. We now have given the Great God, our Father in Heaven, the need for serious correction. God’s correction will hurt, and the whole world will feel its pain.

We are now on the cusp of World War Three, where our Father, from his throne, will levy upon our heads his righteous correction. The world will stand in awe at the destruction of the once-great New York City. The enemies from without have become the enemies within, and only God is qualified to “root them out.”

And Root them out, he will.

PS: What can be said about our hateful religions? They have played the fool, turning this great God into a small, evil-minded individual who will torture billions for not bowing down to their evil beliefs. Evangelical leaders have blasphemed our creator, arrogantly misinterpreting scriptures, claiming it to be biblical truth.

They have played their part in our need for discipline, for they have deceived the whole world with their lies. Rev 12:9, Matt 15:9.

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