Evangelicals, Are they God’s Elect?

Who are the elect? Did God choose them over all others?

Evangelicals teach that God “chooses some people to go to Heaven and some people to go to Hell for no reason other than He can do so because He is sovereign.” They explain that they are special because God has chosen them to be saved, and all others will be lost, spending eternity in a place of torture called hell.

Evangelicals believe they are a special breed of Christians to whom God has bestowed special blessings. Has God chosen or predetermined who would go through the pearly gates or into the dungeons of Dante’s Inferno?

So, once again, we are faced with the dilemma of Who God is, what his purpose is for humanity, whether he loves his creation, and who is qualified to predetermine who will be in his world. Could it be only the Evangelicals? From the beginning, did God make such a determination? Where have Evangelical ministers gotten their authority to make such bold statements?

Evangelical preachers, such as Billy Graham, his son Franklin, and all of BGEA, Robert Jeffress, Jesse Duplantis, David Jeremiah, etc., have taken it upon themselves to teach this false doctrine. Hundreds of evangelical ministers claim that God doesn’t want a major part of his creation to be afforded the unwarranted pardon and to spend all of eternity separated or incarcerated in their version of hell.

Who is the god that Evangelicals claim would torture mercilessly and ruthlessly, those who have no understanding of who, how powerful and purposeful the great God really is? Who is this Christ who came to this earth to bear all the sins of humanity upon his shoulders and to pay the price for our sinful nature? Was his brutal sacrifice only for those who call themselves Evangelicals? Is it possible that God loves Evangelicals more than he loves the world? Do Evangelicals believe that your salvation rests upon your shoulders, or is it God’s purpose to select just the “fortunate few, or is it his purpose to train or educate before allowing his children back into his world?”

Evangelicals have belittled God’s power and his predetermination for his children. Does he love only a fortunate few, or is he capable of loving all of his creation? Evangelicals belittle the power of our creator and attempt to bring him down to their size, a minuscule piece of dust in a world approximately 385 billion light years in circumference.

Evangelicals have placed too much emphasis on their arrogant misinterpretations of the good book, which they refuse to consider.

The minds of religion are locked, and nothing can, nor will they allow God’s purpose to penetrate their closed minds. Is God capable of saving the world, the whole world, Muslims, Jews, Iranians, Hamas, and all other religions and terrorist organizations?

Because God hates sin and cannot abide nor look upon sin, we are sinful, so how could he predetermine that the world would be saved?

We know that “the wages of sin is death,” so how does that enter into our salvation? Death wipes away all our sins, for there is nothing left to punish, for we will die never more to see the light of life. God cannot look upon us, for we have died in our sins, Evangelicals as well.

Just like baptism, when we are plunged under the watery grave, that is a symbol of our deserved death. We are plunged into this watery grave, and then we are raised, cleansed by this watery spirit, perfected as we come forth. The only reason that is possible is because of Christ’s sacrifice for humanity, not just Evangelicals, the whole world.

Evangelicals, being taught by their arrogant and self-righteous ministers, will also be the benefactors of Christ’s sacrifice. Rest assured, you are not the only benefactors; there are billions of others whom God will sanctify by his birth and resurrection.

Why would God allow all this trouble for humanity while mandating that they go through this chaotic world with all its troubles? His purpose is for one thing and one thing only; he is teaching humanity what he will not allow back into his world. Our physical existence and training are not for this world but for the world to come.

Because we have lived with, wallowed in, and behaved badly, listened to the arrogant and blaspheming preachers, and suffered death and difficulty caused by our sin-filled nature, God has allowed. When we come up in the resurrection, our minds will be pure, like God’s mind is pure, and sin will no longer be an integral part of our lives.

Are Evangelicals God’s elect, or does he have much bigger plans for humanity? We Christians have sold our creator short, considered, and believe things that are not only untrue but blaspheming in their arrogance. God created humanity, allowed Satan to corrupt humanity, and then mandated humankind to die. Our hope is the resurrection, not just for the so-called fortunate few but for all of humanity.

It is true, God does love the Evangelicals. Just because he loves Evangelicals doesn’t mean that he hates or condemns the rest of the world to eternal torture. Evangelical preachers have taken way too much on their arrogant shoulders by claiming that God can and will only love just the fortunate few, i.e., Evangelicals.

His capacity to love extends to all his creation, his elect, not just a few.

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