Do You Know the Real Jesus?

Eons of time passed; God drew up plans for the expansion of his spiritual world. His world was not complete, for even our creator knew that for his world to be whole, he needed a family to complete his realm. Plans were made, servants were created, and the physical universe was brought into existence. This universe was built at God’s direction and for a very important purpose. That purpose was for the education of his future sons and daughters.

This great God created the vast physical universe that is approximately 385 billion light years in circumference and is at least 5-7 billion years old. The earth was brought into existence with the layers of strata and decayed vegetable matter. During this time, the leviathan animals were brought into existence and roamed this earth, eating enormous amounts throughout their lives. Eventually, their deaths were used to create an environment that would sustain the lives of our creators’ future children. This world was not haphazard in its creation, for it was a planned creation brought about by our creator’s thoroughly thought-out plan to fulfill his purpose for his future world.

We have long forgotten that God is supreme in everything he does. His creation is not without purpose, for if he can create a universe of 385 billion light years in circumference, create the human body in all its wonders, and give it life, there is nothing that he cannot accomplish. We have sold him short by denying his supreme power and have placed that power into our own hands.

There are two great ideologies the world over, for each nation has its own systems of beliefs. Our political ideologies and our spiritual or religious beliefs rule our lives.

Our creator created a beautiful and practical world for his future children. The mountains, rivers, the large expanse of water called seas and oceans, and many internal lakes were all created for his purpose of forming humanity into a perfect and eternal being like himself, perfect in thought and deed. These obstacles were conquered when the inhabitants found it necessary to move to another place. Finding ways to forge across these barriers, they began to move to and to separate themselves. God wanted his children to grow in numbers and form their own societies, cultures, and religions.

As our first parents began to have children, the population began to grow, for Adam lived over 900 years. People began to wander, crossing the mountain ranges and the rivers. Building boats to cross the seas, they began to separate themselves into tribes and large families. The languages were befuddled and became unrecognizable, so these people were again forced to leave their homes and separate themselves from the others.

The migration began in earnest until the day that the nations forgot who they were to serve. They became ungrateful, and our creator became frustrated with the children he created. His purpose was to begin again. A worldwide flood wiped these people from the face of the earth. Today, we live in a time of “as in the days of Noah.”

Noah and his family were the only survivors. Noah had given the warning for over one hundred years, and when the rains began, they wanted to go to the Ark, but God had already closed and locked the door.

Noah took eight people, of which his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, were to repopulate the earth. Shem was undoubtedly the father of the Caucasian race, while Ham became the father of the Black race, and Japheth became the father of the Asian races of people. From these races of people, the earth was populated, and at the same time, conflict began to rear its ugly head, for each one placed himself above the other in importance.

Throughout history, these races of people began to be conflicted in their anger, and wars became popular.

When we reexamine the history of man and their rebellion against the Great God’s instructions, we must begin to recognize that these things were not just happenstance but had the purposeful hand of our creator in the actions of the ancients.

God’s hand was obvious in this early migration and the races of people.

And now, at the end, we can see in hindsight that this world has become chaotic and warlike. We have formed our own religions. We have formed our own political ideologies, and now we are on the cusp of committing suicide. This generation will not pass until all is fulfilled. The first atomic bomb was detonated in the early forties, and since that day, it has been a constant watch to see if another would be dropped.

Today, many warring and hate-filled nations now have this the most destructive weapon any nation can deploy.

The great God, AKA the Christ Jesus, allowed all this confusion. His direction was for an eternal purpose, and that purpose is for humanity to understand what a godless people who has succumbed to Satan’s influence, much like our first parents.

The secret of the real Jesus has been kept until now, for everything that has occurred, his approval was given. We must learn the lessons before God will allow us back into his world. Christ, our Redeemer, has so ordered that we learn from these circumstances and our chaotic lives.

He has given us the opportunity to follow his instructions for peace and safety, but we refuse to submit to him and humble ourselves.

World religions have the purpose of “going it alone” and have taken it upon themselves to save the world. Instead of teaching the good news, they have blasphemed our creator and have, with purpose and intention, threatened the world with eternal torture.

They have taken it upon themselves, threatening the world to comply with their teachings when the great God hasn’t sent them. They threaten the world with “accept my Jesus or else.”

The words Hades and Sheol have been translated into the word Hell. These words should be translated as the grave, for God has plainly stated that “the wages of sin is death.” Our religions proclaim that unless repented of, the wages of sin is eternal life in a place of eternal and merciless torture. A place to be forever separated from our creator. They have raised themselves to a position much higher than the Great God and, by their thoughtless failures, spew forth their lies, much like Lucifer spewed lies about his creator.

Today, this nation is faced with self-induced suicide. World War three is at our door. The demon-inspired “son of perdition” now resides in the modern-day temple called the white house and has opened the door to not only our enemies but the enemies of God. Soon, the grave will open up, for we cannot continue to live with the hatred that comes from within this nation. Our greatest enemy is within our government, for they are determined to break into pieces this once proud and grateful nation into a derelict, begging for enough from our enemies to sustain us for a time.

The enemies within are a cacophony of hate-filled rhetoric intended to destroy.

God is about to open the doors to our enemies. We have purposefully thrown him out, and because we rebelliously and intentionally disobey his precepts, concepts, and principles for peace, we will reap the consequences of that rebellion, just as Lucifer received the consequences of his rebellious actions.

No one knows the day or the hour, but this traumatic election year is a pretty good guess.

We have screwed ourselves into a hole, and only God can save us now.

His promise to humankind is that “he will vanquish the Satan that has taken humanity captive” and will release us from this dragon of deceit.

His judgment of humanity will be NOT GUILTY, for all that is or has taken place he has allowed so that we can be fully trained and understand that without purposeful moral direction, which breeds personal responsibility and humility toward the great God. A deeply inbred attitude that will last forever is for our future home, for God is impressing on our intellect the necessity to be like him.

We were made physical so that we could die, opening the door for future the untold numbers that would be born to future parents.

We are all sinners and are doomed to receive the consequences of our sinful nature, which is eternal death. Christ paid the price in his bloody and pain-filled death on the cross so that we could be born again into his world. Because he gladly paid the price, he did it for humanity, not some religion that has falsely absconded with his name and has called themselves Christian.

His powerful death was for the world, not just the so-called “fortunate few.”